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  • レポート 世界紀行 〜キューバ・フロリダ編 World travels ~ A report from CUBA & Florida 異なる土地・言語・宗教・文化 意外な類似性を見出す
レポート 世界紀行 〜キューバ・フロリダ編 World travels ~ A report from CUBA & Florida

異なる土地・言語・宗教・文化 意外な類似性を見出す

【月刊HOTERES 2018年09月号】
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Castro Administration

 1959 年の社会主義移行のキューバ革命といえばフィデルカストロ議長。強硬な反米姿勢の指導者で知られています。国内の反体制勢力に対する弾圧で国際的な非難も浴びてきました。旧ソビエト連邦と組んだことでアメリカは経済封鎖を実施。1961 年にはアメリカは国交断絶を通告。キューバ危機が到来したのです。しかしながら、政治独立路線を貫き屈しませんでした。その影響でアメリカフロリダ州には、キューバから多くの亡命者が移り住んでいるといわれています。わたしが訪れたキューバは、2015年のアメリカとの国交回復までの長い年月を取り戻してはいませんでした。
 One prominent figure of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 - the reformation to the communist political system – is none other than the leader Fidel Castro. He is known to hold an unyielding stance as an anti-American. He received much condemnation and criticism from the world with his oppression towards the Anti-Establishment movement of the nation. The U.S.A blocked their economic ties with Cuba as Cuba established their diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union. In 1961, America announced its severance of diplomatic ties with Cuba. And trouble followed Cuba. However, they were unable to follow through with their independence and it is said that a myriad of refugees have migrated to Florida from Cuba. The Cuba I visited, exhibited its slow progress in recovery from the long years and months of severance until the restoration of diplomatic ties with the U.S in 2015. As if one had slipped back in time, the poverty stricken town and abandoned buildings symbolised its long road ahead to economic recovery.
Entering Cuba
 友好関係が常にあるという意識で、人々は海外の国々を訪れますが、そうではありません。歴史を知れば知るほど、なぜだろう…なぜ人々は助け合わないのだろうかと、虚しささえ感じるキューバ滞在でした。2018 年4 月には、新議長が誕生しました。急速な経済発展は難しいかもしれませんが、少しずつでもいいので、豊かになってほしいと願います。
 Getting a visa. My friend living in New York tried to get her visa but was rejected and was told it was difficult. Not knowing what the basis of rejection was, she accepted it as the reality.
 People often visit different countries assuming that ties are friendly between nations but that is not always the case. Throughout my stay in Cuba, the more I understood about its history, the more I questioned as to why countries still lack the support for each other and this was quite depressing. In April of 2018 a new leader for the country was appointed.
While a speedy economic recovery may be tough, I certainly hope that the country will head towards the wealth that they deserve.

Cemetery ~ Prayer ~ Flowers
 This is a huge cemetery. Each grave has been profoundly built with marble much like a house. I was able to appreciate and experience a real visit to the grave in Cuba. First you walk backwards anti-clockwise around the grave with prayers of well wishes for the deceased. Offering flowers, the families and acquaintances of the deceased then spread out a little to create space and walk slowly away from the grave backwards. Then they touch the statue of the Virgin Mary located in the center and pray.

【特集】本誌独自調査 2024年日本のホテルチェーングループ一覧〈前編〉
リージェントホテル香港 マネージング・ダイレクター ミシェル…



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