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  • 【Japanese / English】GONZOの日本酒SHOW  第17 回 過去と未来をつなぐ酵母
第17 回 【Japanese / English】GONZOの日本酒SHOW  

第17 回 過去と未来をつなぐ酵母

【月刊HOTERES 2018年11月号】
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

飲食店は数あれど、これほどマニアックでおいしい日本酒を数多く提供しているところはないと称される、白金高輪のダイニングバー「GONZO」。そんなGONZO のマスター浅井剛一氏が、日本酒の歴史と文化の話を交えつつ、ホテル・レストランでの提供方法までご紹介していきます。
There are many restaurants, but there are none which provide such delicious and numerous kinds of sake, which can please enthusiasts, as the dining bar "GONZO" in Shirokane-takanawa. Mr. Gouichi Asai, the master of GONZO, will talk about the history and culture of sake, and introduce how to provide sake at hotels and restaurants.

浅井 剛一(あさい・ごういち)
1977 年東京生まれ。2004 年10 月、日本酒に合う肴、料理に合う酒をテーマとして白金高輪にGONZO をオープン。2006 年に唎酒師取得。
GONZO 東京都港区三田5-21-7
℡ 03-3449-5500
Goichi Asai
Born in Tokyo in 1977. In October 2004, GONZO was opened in Shirokane Takanawa, a theme for Sake marriage dishes, acquired sake taster in 2006.
GONZO 21-7, Mita 5, Minato-ku, Tokyo 
℡ 03-3449-5500
Yeast that Connects the Past and the Future

The legendaly yeast
A Japanese sake named "S.tokyo" has just became available on the market the other day. The label has the design of the colors of five continents that are used for the Olympics, combined with the letters of S.tokyo. Its pop touch looks somehow like a wine label, and I also thought that it was made for overseas markets. This S.tokyo is a new attempt by Nakazawa Sake Brewery in Kanagawa Prefecture, which brews "Matsu Midori". This sake was produced with an approach that connects the past and present of sake brewing.

ホテルインディゴ 長崎グラバーストリート 総支配人 丹⽻ 秀…



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