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会社名 株式会社オータパブリケイションズ
(英文社名:Ohta publications Co.,Ltd.)
創立年月日 1954年2月11日
本社所在地 〒104-0061
電話 03-6281-5710(代表) 03-6281-5730(FAX)
代表者 代表取締役社長 太田 進
事業内容 書籍及び雑誌の出版並びに販売、広告代理業、旅行案内業、企業の経営に関するコンサルティング業務、不動産売買の仲介、人材バンク
主なWEBサービス:「ホテル情報総合検索システム HITS(ヒッツ)」、「HOTERESOnline」

About Ohta Publications


For over 60 years, Ohta Publications has been Japan's leading hospitality industry media, offering news, interviews, insights in magazines Hoteres (Hotel & restaurant) Monthly and Hoteres Online; and references such as the annual Hotel Data BookHoteres is Japan’s ONLY trade publication dedicated to ‘decision-makers’ of global brands, consisting of owners, CEOs, GMs and executives of hotels, restaurants, travel sectors, event companies (weddings) and all related industries.  


Ohta also hosts seminars and workshops throughout Japan, focusing on various industry trends and topics.  Other services include recruitment, developing training and education methods for HR clients; and offering consulting for operations, management, and real estate intermediary advisory.  


In 2019, the international department was set up and CLUB TARO and TARO were launched as media and consultancy specializing in the luxury travel sector.  


CLUB TARO is an agency and producer of FIT, MICE, corporate travel etc; offering exclusive, extraordinary experiences to inbound and outbound travellers.


As Hoteres’ counterpart in English, TARO selects its latest news, insights and interviews etc, related to the luxury travel sector.  Information on new hotels, restaurants, international brand arrivals, DMOs, tourism bureaus, private transport, residences, etc. are translated in a timely manner; delivered in a ‘tone & feel’ appropriate for the reader’s end-users:  Consumers.  TARO in conjunction with Hoteres, also offers market entry and localization consultancy, as well as PR & marketing support to foreign brands breaking into Japan, or vice versa by utilizing our subscriber-membership network (DM), online magazine, social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), and organizing physical/online events.


Hoteres-TARO’s unique cross-over collaboration makes us the ONLY English media in Japan focused on Luxury Travel, with the versatility to deliver the message to consumers or businesses.  TARO & Club TARO are quickly taking on a pivotal role in creating a solid bridge between Japan and the global luxury travel sector.


Ohta's track record in the industry enables us to have strong connections with VIPs and premium companies in hospitality as well as peripheral industries; hence being able to offer our clients quick and reliable solutions. 


Hoteres / Hoteres Online  http://www.hoteresonline.com/


TARO / Club TARO  https://clubtaro.com/  (Facebook, Instagram)  



Name of Company Ohta Publications Co.,Ltd.
Established February 11th, 1954
Headquarter Address

2F Sigma ginza first Bldg. 4-10-16 Ginza,

Chuo-ku Tokyo, JAPAN 104-0061

CEO / President Susumu (Sam) Ohta
Services A media group dedicated to the hospitality industry targeting both businesses and consumers.  Other departments include (domestic market) consultancy in management, operations and real estate exploration; staffing and training; marketing and advertising;  (global market) market entry and localization; and inbound & outbound luxury-lifestyle travel agency and producer.   
Company Structure

Company Structure



For detailed information about Ohta Publications’ departments and services, please request for our company profile, or send us your inquiry to: info@clubtaro.com


Key Publication & Circulatioon


●Monthly HOTERES(Hotel & Restaurant) magazine


Japan’s ONLY trade magazine for decision-makers in the hospitality industry including owners, CEOs, and executives of global brands.

Our mission is to support all facets of the hospitality industry sector, in delivering superior quality service to our customers. Monthly(Hotel & Restaurant) magazine distributes news, information, interviews with industry’s most influential, reports, statistics, tools, and offers promotional and marketing assistance to corporations.



December 1966 


10,000 copies / week 


A4 Size

Release Date:

15th of every month 

Monthly PV

Approx. 200,000 per month (ave. reading rate of 13 ppl/per mag)

Monthly UU

65,000 per month

Newsletter Subscribers

Approx. 33,600 subscribers (As of Jan 2019) 

Number of Events

2-4 Monthly (Over 23 per annum) 

Event Guest Number

Approx. 70 per month/800 per annum


Monthly HOTERES(Hotel & Restaurant) magazine is an offline & online trade magazine dedicated to all facets of the hospitality industry-including food, tableware, amenities, hygiene and environment, for hotel, wedding and restaurant owners, operators and front-line staff.


A wide variety of industry data based on our own research (hotel sales rankings, hotel chains lists, hotel opening information, national hotel occupancy rates, etc.)
The most up-to-date news on the hospitality industry.
Analysis on the current state of the hospitality industry through case studies and articles.




Monthly HOTERES(Hotel & Restaurant) magazine  


Annual Hotel Data Book Volume 1 & 2

Key industry references published annually in May; limited circulation of 1,000 copies.

Volume 1:  Hotel industry trends 

Ideal for market research and formulating your business plan

Top sales ranking, industry data, chain/group information etc.  


Volume 2:  Hotel Index, historical data

Includes nationwide Occ, ADR by region, RevPAR trends for the past 3 years; top 150-300 hotels and index for the past 10 years.


Trade Publications

Annual Key Industry References, Whitepapers and Reports




“Hotel Renovation" series: published annually in September 

Circulation: 10,000 copies / 3,000 Yen 


"Professional Kitchen" series: published annually 

Circulation: 10,000 copies / 3,000 Yen 


"Sake SP" series: published annually

Circulation: 10,000 copies / 3,000 Yen 


"Wedding Banquet" series: published annually 

Circulation: 10,000 copies / 3,000 Yen

ニッコースタイルニセコHANAZONO 総支配人 山邉 知幸氏



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