数十年前からの“ 氷河期” を抜け、最近の日本酒は「日本酒」という枠を超え、さまざまな味わいのものがあります。造れば売れる時代から、造っても売れない時代になり、日本酒需要が落ちた時には飲み屋ではビール、焼酎、ワイン、ウイスキーと飲む人によってお酒も多様化してきました。もう酒イコール日本酒という時代ではなくなったのです。しかし、その辛酸をなめた苦労が近年の革命的な日本酒の進化につながっているのでしょう。特に造り手の技術の進歩、製造する機材の投資がそうさせました。
Passing through an “ice age” which started decades ago, Nihon shu now goes beyond the frame of “Nihon shu” and offers a wide variety of tastes. There was a time when Nihon shu was sold without any effort. Then the time shifted to an age when the demand of Nihon shu dropped, and bars started to
offer wide varieties of alcoholic beverages such as beer, Sho chu, wine and whisky to longer meant Nihon shu. But, this crushing blow to Nihon shu probably leaded to its recent revolutionary development.
Also a big difference from the past is that all the Kuras started to communicate with each other, and this is said to be the main reason of the development. The used-to-be closed, unique and secret Nihon shu brewing methods are now shared openly between Nihon shu brewers who also show their Kuras to each other. Advice is exchanged between them as well. It is considered that not only the level of the taste of Nihon shu was raised, but also the level of the Nihon shu industry itself was raised as well through a friendly competition among Nihon shu brewers who had the same spirit.
Being free from the style of traditional Nihon shu ; low-alcohol Nihon shu, sparking Nihon shu, Nihon shu made with whitecolor-malts, aged Nihon shu, Nihon shu aged in barrels, Kijou shu and Nama sake,unheated Nihon shu are all keys to today’s delicious Nihon shu. Nama sake is relatively new and we couldn’t taste that fresh,juicy, freshly squeezed Nihon shu up until recently. As an example, let’s take the peach-pink colored unrefined sake which uses yeast which makes clear liquid turn pink. This is of the “RUKA” series made by Matsuya Shuzo.
The color is very beautiful when it’s pouredinto a wine glass, and its beauty increasesthe craving for it. The soft sweetness andsour taste is like a citrus flavored Germanice wine.
In the centuries-old Nihon shu history, the astonishing evolution that has been seenin the last 5 years was unprece dented, andthese 5 years have been revolutionary. Thisis expected to continue. What will happento the internationally popular Nihon shu inthe next 5 years? Allow me to present nowthe goodness and fun of Nihon shu based onone theme.
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【Japanese / English】 GONZOの日本酒SHOW
第1 回 ブームってなんだ? ■ Sake Boom
【月刊HOTERES 2018年03月号】
Matsuya Shuzo "Ruka"