There are many restaurants, but there are none which provide such delicious and numerous kinds of sake, which can please enthusiasts, as the dining bar "GONZO" in Shirokane Takanawa,Minato-ku. Mr. Gouichi Asai, the master of GONZO, will talk about the history and culture of sake, and introduce how to provide sake at hotels and restaurants. The Sake Boom and modern sake are reveled in this first issue.
* This series is published in the 2nd and 4th week issue of the month.

浅井 剛一(あさい・ごういち)
1977 年東京生まれ。2004 年10 月、日本酒に合う肴、料理に合う酒をテーマとして白金高輪にGONZO をオープン。2006 年に唎酒師取得。
Goichi Asai
Born in Tokyo in 1977. In October 2004, GONZO was opened in Shirogane Takanawa, a theme for Sake marriage dishes, acquired sake taster in 2006. GONZO 21-7, Mita 5, Minato-ku, Tokyo ℡ 03-3449-5500
Many ask me whether or not there was really a “Nihon shu Boom”, and if there was, what happened to it. There may have been a“boom” or so-called “fashion” because peoplewho have never had a sip of Nihon shu before began to try it. Just one sip is goodenough to make many realize how good modern Nihon shu is.
昔は酒と言えば日本酒を指していました。家族でちゃぶ台を囲んでの夕食には、親父のかたわらに一升瓶があり、落語や歌舞伎では、働きもしない旦那が「酒もってこい!」や、酒場での喧嘩、また、「こいつぁめでてえ! 酒だ酒だぁ!」と言うのは決まってどこぞのお奉行様やご隠居。このように昔から日本酒は日常に欠かすことのできないものでした。
Back then, an alcoholic beverage meant Nihon shu. during dinner time, everyone in a family sat together around a Japanese-style dinner table and 1-sho (1.8 liter) Nihon shu bottle was always next to the father’s seat.
Also in Japanese Rakugo and Kabuki there are situations where a husband who doesn’t even work shouts “Bring the sake!”, and in other situations fights break out in bars, and it’s always a magistrate or retired master who happily exclaims “This is fantastic!
Bring in the sake. The sake!”. As you can see, Nihon shu has always been a part of everyday life since olden times.