❐ サイパンにおけるマスおよびプレミアムマス市場の状況はいかがですか。
当社のリゾートは、より豊かなプレミアムマス層のゲストをターゲットとしています。目下、全室スイート仕立てで素晴らしい眺望をお楽しみいただける5-6 つ星クラスのホテルを開発中です。価格帯については1 泊1 室あたり500 米ドル以上を想定しており、この価格帯を許容できるのは、世界中のプレミアム層に限られます。彼らが消費するものについても、すべてハイエンド志向となるでしょう。
❐ How is the market in Saipan, comparing the mass marketing or the premium marketing?
For us, the resort is a premium mass, meaning that we are looking for clients that are more affluent. Once the hotel is built, it will be a true five-six-star hotel, the rooms will be all suite hotels with wonderful views.
Our price point will definite be above the average of 500 US dollars per night. When you think about who can afford 500 US dollars a room per night, that is a premium customer in everywhere. All the things they consume will also be on higher-end.
❐ サイパンの長期的なIR 産業の成功において日本は重要な存在ですか。
❐ Do you see Japan as a key to the success of Saipan's IR industry long term?
Absolutely. Japan to Saipan is close in distance, that's an advantage for Saipan because we know Japanese customers loved to go to Hawaii.
When you compare Hawaii and Saipan, the feel is very similar. Now we have an opportunity to provide that type of environment in a shorter flight and more affordable. That changes the scope and different kind of customers that can enjoy.
日本市場だけの話ではないですが、サイパン島のリソースは非常に限られています。私たちは今後350 室規模のホテルを開業する予定であり、日本を含む世界各地から多くのゲストを誘致することで、観光業に貢献したいと考えています。
❐ What other challenges that you foresee in the Japanese market?
These challenges not just for the Japanese market, are in the islands the inventories are very limited, so that would have an adverse effect on all of the tourism and so why is that important for us is that, when we open, there will be over 350 hotel rooms that will help with the tourism and to bring in more customers and patrons from all of the world including Japan.
❐ サイパンのIR モデルの日本人向けのセールスポイントは何ですか?
❐ What is the unique selling point of the Saipan IR model to Japanese?
It's a shorter getaway, it has a wonderful environment, friendly culture and some history as you know Japan actually occupy the space for quite some times back in World War II, so there are some historical relevance in the island to the people of Japan, which can drive people there.